BDRIP Download Full The Star
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From the Creators of Miracles from Heaven and Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs comes the story about a donkey named Bo who wants life beyond his village. He meets a sheep named Ruth and a dove named Dave and they follow the Star to discover the first Christmas which is the birth of Jesus
genre=Family, Animation
Runtime=1Hours 26minutes
6,3 of 10 star
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Download full season tv shows. Download Full The starting. Download Full The star wars. Download full service game. Download Full the start. Download Full the stars. Download Full thestar. Sometimes called Turkish Star Wars, and also known as The Super Adam Who Saved Earth, Space Hero Lion Man or Turkish Lionman. This is a complete rip off of Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers'79, Flash Gordon'80, The Black Hole and Raiders of the Lost Ark all rolled into one astounding mess. Has a lot of stock footage lifted from old trailers for Star Wars, The Magic Sword and others; While also displaying costumes that resemble Flash Gordon's Ming, Star Wars' Darth Vader and Galactica's Cylon Centurions. Two star are defending Earth in a space battle and are shot down on a desert planet where they find a cantina full of rubber masked aliens and people living under slave conditions. There is a sort of rubber version of Robby The Robot who is the enforcer for the Ming like ruler. Many of the padded rubber costumes recall the movie Super Inframan and it has an overall similar feel. There are explosions happening everywhere the characters turn and some very strange martial arts type fight and then some living mummy's actually show up in an Indiana Jones-like cave sequence. Not a very good print. The sound goes out of sync in places. Sorry. There probably aren't any good prints as this is known to be an "abandoned" film. (Probably out of embarrassment as the Turkish film industry has come a long way since 1982). No copyright appears on this film anywhere.. comment Reviews Reviewer: Laraine_Lynn - January 27, 2019 Subject: English subs TheManWhoSavedTheWorld favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - October 2, 2015 So much better without tampering! RipJarvis December 25, 2014 What I'd like to do. Would love to get a group of my Stand-Up comic friends and do a "What's Up, Tiger Lily" with this. Ah, if only the time would offer itself up to me. jake1951 favorite favorite favorite - November 25, 2014 The Man Who Saved the World No one took Luke Skywalker to a strip joint, so Betmen Yarasa Adam remains the best Turksploitation movie on the Archive. I do give it three stars for its integrity toward is own badness. FoxyGrandpa favorite favorite - November 24, 2014 Yes, it is tampered with The added sound effects don't even match the sound quality of everything else in the film. It is altered and I doubt they'd put a picture of the poster at the beginning and then put STAR WARS and "A long time ago in a galaxy far far away... " at the beginning. And the opening title that says "THE MAN WHO SAVES THE WORLD" (which isn't even the correct title) can be perfectly reproduced in Windows Movie Maker. Anyway, 2/10. I would have given a 1 if it wasn't so entertaining. tohofan favorite favorite favorite favorite - November 10, 2014 This is how it has always looked and sounded I felt the urge to point out that this movie is exactly the same as it was when I watched it back in the late 80's. Nobody but the producers of this movie have added sound effects or title cards. This is simply how this bad movie looks and has always looked. Some of the acting is done live in front of Star wars footage. Stop whining about movies unless you know what you are talking about. CoreyRuehling favorite - November 5, 2014 Looks Like George Lucas Changed This One Too Being a huge fan of Star Wars and Indiana Jones, I found this film to be hilariously awful, but as a previous reviewer has pointed out before, this file has some issues: It has some homemade titles at the beginning and throughout the film, there are obnoxious sound effects that are - believe it or not - more obvious than the special effects Lucas added to the original Star Wars films. If anyone could upload an unadulterated print, that would be most pleasing. Jose_Leitao April 12, 2014 This movie has been tampered with. This movie has been re-edited, redubbed in parts and has all sorts of main titles in the beginning put there by someone using Windows Movie Maker. It has funny and annoyingly loud sound effects put in, like monkey shouts, springs and electrical zapping noises. I wouldn't recommend it if you're interested in watching this movie. I also think this should be taken down from as it is against the point of this website which is to preserve, and not allow random people to deface movies and use this website as their personal hosting service. mohamid June 27, 2012 PRETTY BAD A total ripoff of Star Wars. This could be a lot of fun but for the bad video quality and Turkish audio. Volume varies +/- 80%. o0OcrazyjakeO0o June 26, 2012 Thanks Its fun to invite friends over and make fun of these types of films, but why did you re-edit this and add sound effects and new music picfixer June 15, 2011 Grand theft copyright Worst film edting in the history of the known universe. The first ten minutes are migraine inducing. The next thirty minutes are fun in an Ed Woodish/Manos sort of way. But then it goes on, and on, and on… If you stick all the way to the bitter end, see how many blatant copyright violations you can spot. I counted 47. Three stars just because I couldn't believe what I was seeing. recarter64 May 26, 2011 Awful Just awful, THE worst film ever! DoctorBotanus February 3, 2011 You can hear the projector!!!!!! LOL When the two guys are fighting in space you can hear the sound of the projector running when its projecting the space scenes behind them. Apparently the sound was recorded live. Strandlund My Favorite "STAR WARS" film... It really is...!
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This is the best animation movie I have ever seen, especially for the Christmas movie themes. So much fun so I consider watch this with your whole family, especially for the kids. Telling the true Christmas from the view of animals, no movie like this before. Sure this is one of the best movie for kids, considering so many junk movie created by Hollywood out there.
Totally awesome.
Download full the star mattress reviews. I loved this movie! I am a teenager and I went to see it with my mother and nine year old sister. She laughed the whole movie, and so did I. I especially like the stupid camel but Bo was also cute. Mary and Joseph were well animated and the voice actors were great! Took me a long time to realize the voice of Joseph was also Flynn Ryder. This movie is great for all ages, and has good and wholesome humor that is unlike other kids movies. By that, I mean it is actually funny and not totally corny. I really hope that Sony will come out with more Bible stories. Sony, you aced this! I think it had a creative and entertaining twist with a good plot, but it still did the story of Jesus's birth a good amount of justice. Perfect to educate kids about Christmas. I never see movies like this anymore... Almost reminds me of the Biblical Dreamworks movies. I wish more movies like this were coming out, and I think Sony has a talent for this type of movie! I think honestly there is a hidden demand for these types of movies, but it's overshadowed by a lot of the negative and dark movies released today. I love seeing positive movies like this that warm my heart and even give me chills at some parts versus crude humor tucked away in other children's movies, almost like a bone thrown at the adults watching to keep them from falling asleep.
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The star full movie download. Download full movie. This is a well known story and i think this movie portrays it very well. The characters are funny and it has good lessons for kids. Pretty much the only problem with the movie is that it seems to be only enjoyable for kids, kids will love the movie but parents might find it boring after a while. I'm really glad it's on Netflix now. Download full series online. Download full the stars shine bright. Download full the stars shine more brightly. Download full steam. Download full the stars shine for you.
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- Columnist: Shaun Humphrey
- Resume: A former Democrat who changed parties to vote for President Trump.